Wednesday 6 July 2016

The Carbon Footprint

Hi guys! 
So just recently, my class and I had been set a religion task where we had to spread awareness/find ways to protect God's creation and the environment. We all chose different problems to target, for example, one group did their presentation on ocean pollution and they presented different ways to spread awareness and inform people about the amount of waste and rubbish that is destroying the sea. Likewise, my partner and I decided on researching about carbon footprint. The different ways we chose to spread awareness about this topic was by:

Creating a website: 

Making a informative video and uploading it onto Youtube (there are some mistakes that I kindly ask you to ignore, it was my first Youtube video!) : 

And we created a prezi to present our ideas and thoughts to the class. 

Hope you guys enjoy the video and website (*hint* these are the kinds of assignments we do at college/St Mary's, not that different from St Ben's intermediate assignments)

Sunday 13 March 2016

Check out what I made in DT!

Omg, so amazing! I know you guys probably expected something more than a bookmark but we made it in DT (digital tech), which is like a really cool subject that you take in college and I absolutely love it. When this bookmark was finished, (today, 14/03/16), I was so in love with it that I thought it was worth sharing, along with my bad photography skills.
See you next time,

P.S. I got lots to share in my next post, which is coming soon, so yeah read it if you don't mind wasting five minutes of your life ;)

Monday 8 February 2016



a21d89d4aab0f3966ca360cc2a4d215d_1398245179.jpg (500×338)Yes, it is I, Shazza. And I am back for one of the few blog posts I'll be doing this year. So...DID YOU MISS ME? I'm guessing the Yr 8s this year have already forgotten me but whatever. So, college. One of the most important times you'll ever experience in your lives. How is it going for me? It is tiring, a ton of homework, barely any sleep, etc, etc.

Nah, I'm just messing with you. To be honest, college is going quite well so far. So far. We get hardly any homework at the moment, just like two main assignment things so far, but apart from that, everything is fine. But, I shouldn't keep my hopes up, you know.

So how's it going? New Yr 7s, what do you think about the work? I'm guessing you haven't got much either but yeah comment down below anyway. You all better be reading this post because I'm spending five minutes of my life on this, which is actually a long time when you're in college ;)

One thing I like about college (St Mary's) is the LIBRARY. It's huge, like I'm not even kidding! So many books to be read!! So far I've read two books. Two down, a million more to go. Literally. One thing I don't like is that I have to catch a bus to college and back with a bunch of strangers (sorry people) who gives me weird looks. It's scary.

Anyway, this is the shortest post I've ever done! What an achievement! Whatever, I hope you guys are all getting along with each other. Study hard, you'll thank yourself for it when you go to college, listen and be kind to your teachers and enjoy your time at school while it lasts.



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Sunday 6 December 2015

Goodbye Y'all

Hello y'all,
*Tears up a little* 
You can probably tell that this will be my last blog post forever...
Hopefully next year I'll be able to post a blog post at least once a month. I'll try my best to keep in touch with y'all.

Starting off, I would like to say that this post is going to be a tad bit different. So I was scrolling through my old blog posts and I saw that most of them was mainly about what I did and stuff about me. I'm not being vain or anything, just pointing that out, it's just one thing I noticed. So this post is going to be mainly about you guys and how you've been such a great support to me throughout my two years doing this blog.

Okay, I know I'm not the only one who's kinda stressing out about next year. Whether you're going to college or going to be a Yr 8, we all want to be as organized as possible. So after a few minutes of researching, I found some really study hacks that will help you stay organized throughout 2016. Just pointing out that these tips can help everyone, not just the people who are heading off to college.


Stay motivated. Write down a list on why you want to be organized and on top of things. Maybe it's so you can work towards your future career or you want to impress your teachers and earn a good reputation. Whatever it is, write it all down so whenever you need motivation, just look at the list and force yourself to complete whatever you need to.

Keep a planner. You mainly use planners at college but it can also help out you Yr 8s too, especially at when you get all those assignments and essays to do. Write down in your planner when you're going to do these essays and finish them. If you forget things easily, like me, you can also jot down important days and permission forms in your planner. Just make sure you remember to check your planner every day.

Use the cup technique. I use this trick all the time and it helps me get all my work done (most of the time). So get a polystyrene cup, a pen and a piece of paper. Cut the paper into strips. Now write down everything you need to get done and put it into the cup. Pull out a piece of paper one by one and continue this until you finish everything. I also recommend you put in some fun things in it too, like watch TV or go on Youtube so you, along with doing your work, you get some rewards for completing them too!

Solve the problem. This trick is actually a great way to memorize things even though I don't use it but you can! So get a sheet of paper and write out some equations, questions or things you need to memorize. Then stick it onto your door so whenever you go into your bedroom, you first have to solve a problem/memorize something before you enter. Fun!

Music! While you study, it's always great to listen to some music. Make a playlist on Youtube or Spotify and listen to it while studying. I suggest you listen to songs without any lyrics so it won't distract you but I personally think no-lyric music is kinda boooring.
So those are just some of the techniques I use. I actually have heaps more but I think I'll save those for next year or this blog post will drag on forever!

Well I guess there's nothing else to really talk about. Oh one thing:
Message to Yr 8s: For all you Yr 8s who, like me, are stressing out about college, don't be! I'm sure everyone will find college a fun and amazing experience and I will be honest, the journey will be tough but we'll get through it, in the end. I'm going to college, so are you, we'll get through this...TOGETHER.
Message to Yr 7s: Have fun y'all being Yr 8s next year! Being a Yr 8 is pretty much like being a Yr 7, except you get to sit on chairs and stuff. But you'll get used to it, trust me. Learn all you can and work on whatever you're not keen on because next year will be you're last chance before college.
Teachers: Thank you so much to the teachers who have helped me throughout my intermediate journey! Good luck with the Yr 7s and 8s next year! ;)

I guess it's time to say goodbye. Good luck to everyone for next year!

Sunday 29 November 2015

Fav Moments/Events 2015 PLUS Big Day Out

Hey guys,
Less than three weeks left until SCHOOL ENDS. Sadly, this year had gone so fast because I won't be back to attend school next year because, as most of you would know, I'm off to college along with all the other Year 8s. To be honest, I'm not as nervous for college anymore. I'm, more or less, excited!

Of course, I'm not saying that I'm excited to leave this school or anything like that, I mean, if I could stay for one more year, I probably would. BUT, we've got to keep calm and carry on with life. Go to college, then university, get a job, all that kind of stuff. So this week's blog post is gonna be about all my favourite moments/memories from 2015.

Starting off with the main ones, camp is definitely a favourite. Even though I had made a few embarrassing memories there, overall it was amazing. All the activities we did, bridge-jumping, kayaking and staying in a tent for one night was worth it. Camping out with my friends was an awesome experience and I totally LOVED it!
I'm pretty sure at college we get to go to camp and stuff as well so can't wait for that!

Cake Decorating
We tried to achieve something like this.
Omg, this was like my personal favourite! Who doesn't love decorating cakes? This was part of our tasks and I was in a group with Katerina and Sarah! To be honest, we were kinda "stressed" a little because the colour of the icing didn't come out as pretty as we expected. But as we continued, we made this cute M&M cake and, lets just be honest here, it looks pretty amazing, considering that none of us have really done hard out cake decorating before. So, the cake turned out awesome and, unfortunatley, we didn't win the competition. But hey, even if we didn't win, we were pretty proud of it.

Okay, I'm not really a great fan of doing speeches. Most people may agree with me while others may think I'm making a big fuss about nothing. But the speech I did this year would probably have to be the best speech I'd done during my school years at St Bens. Every year in Term 4, I would always stress out about what topic I should do my speech because I really wanted to do my speech on something I like/was passionate about. And this year, I was very surprised because I found a topic I really liked without spending hours looking for it. This year, my topic was about the top dumb things horror movies have taught us not to do. Why was I so passionate about this? Because every time I watch a horror movie, I'm hardly focusing on the actual story. Like 80% of the time, I'm watching the movie, the other 20% I'm just sitting there yelling at the screen. Why? Because of the dumb things that horror movie characters do e.g. entering a haunted house, tripping over a thousand times while running away from a retarded monster and being stupid enough to throw an empty gun or any useless weapon at the whatever retarded monster. I really enjoyed doing this speech but unfortunately I didn't get through to the finals but I was SO CLOSE.

Christmas Decorating
This is actually one of this week's tasks, where you have to decorate the classroom with all sorts of cool decorations that you make. We usually have a competition between all three intermediate classes, to see which class has put the most effort into decorating their classroom and how "christmasy" it looks. So can't wait to get started on that!

Blogging has always been my top favourite thing we did in the intermediate classes. Creating my own blog and writing new posts ever week is just the kind of thing I enjoy doing. Hopefully when I move onto college, I will have some spare time, maybe in the weekends, to give y'all a quick update about college life and how's it going. If I do get around to doing that, I will make sure to add in some tips for next year's Year 8s and hopefully they won't stress out about college as much as I did. I would like to thank you all for reading my posts. I very much enjoyed sharing my intermediate life with y'all and hopefully I would post again next year!

Okay so before I go, I have to guess where we'll be going for the BIG DAY OUT. Okay, just being honest here, but in the past years, we went to Zealandia and stuff for the big day out and it was kinda...well boring. But last year we went to Jungle Rama (is that how you spell it?) and it was awesome! We did bowling, which was my absolute fav bit of the day. So hopefully this year we'll go to a fun place like Jungle Rama. I don't mind where we're going as long as it's

1. A fun place like Jungle Rama.
2. It's not Zealandia.
3. And that it doesn't have anything to do with swimming pools.

There you have it, my top favourite things we did this year, 2015 plus the Big Day Out thing. I'm pretty sure this isn't the last time I say goodbye to y'all, hopefully next week I can do one last blog post for the year. Again, thank you all for reading my posts, it's been a great pleasure writing about my intermediate life. I'll see you again next week (fingers-crossed)!

Bye! :)

Almost there guys, almost there...

Monday 16 November 2015

~Book Week~

Hello and welcome to this week's Blog post! *Everyone cheers* Hooray! Let's just get straight into it!
So this week's topic is...
What are my favourite Book Week events?! Okay, now that we know the topic, let's countdown my top 3 most enjoyed events that happened last week, starting with...

#3 Book Character Day and Book Quiz
I regret looking at this...horrible nightmares...oh God, I'm freaked out.
Okay, to be honest, this book character day and the quiz wasn't so bad. I came dressed up as Cheshire Cat (yay, everyone loves the cat from Alice in Wonderland) and the first word that was used to describe me was creepy. Well, I suppose face painting Cheshire Cat's smile did look slightly creepy (of course, Cheshire Cat is known for his creepy as smile) but hey I had fun painting that on. It got annoying during the day since whenever I laugh or make a facial expression, the paint starts peeling off (although, there's no need to smile anyway when you have one painted on your face already). 
Next, the Book Quiz. So technically what happened was that we had a Book Quiz competition thing between all four school houses and some things went a bit wrong. There were four rounds: first round was the Yr 1&2's, next was Yr 3&4's, 5&6, then finally the Yr 7&8's. I was in the Yr 7&8 team along with Katerina, Mahon and Imogen. 
After the book quiz, the results were read out and Brigidene tied first place in the first three rounds and won first place in the last one without a tie! Omg, everyone was so happy, it was the first time we won like, everything (no bragging there)! But then came the bad news. Unfortunately, someone went and told Mrs Taylor that Brigidene had three Yr 8s and one Yr 7 because apparently we were supposed to have two of each Year group. I don't think anyone in Brigidene knew about this rule because if we did, we would have rearranged the groups. Sadly for us, Mrs Talyor disqualified us from that round, which meant Brigidene was not winning anymore. I almost cried! 
So, I guess I'll kinda take back what I said at the start: The Book Quiz didn't work out quite so well.

#2 Kate De Goldi
It was on Tuesday during Book Week when a special someone came to visit St Bens. And that special person was Kate De Goldi! For all those who haven't heard of her (well you should have because she's super famous), Kate De Goldi is a well-known author who has wrote so many wonderful books. Yes, an author came and visited us! It was so exciting! She gave us an interesting talk about her life, how she came up with the ideas for her books and showed us some of the books she wrote too! 
Some of her books are: The 10pm Question, The ACB, Billy and Clubs. 
In Rm12, we had been reading one of Kate De Goldi's books, The ACB. I won't say anything about it just in case I'll spoil it for those who haven't read it. You should read it, it's awesome!

#1 Golden Ticket Hunt
Yas, my fav. So since it was book week, the intermediate teachers decided to do this awesome and creative thing where they'll hide some Golden Tickets around the school and we had to try and find them using the clues they set up on the blog. Whoever got their hands on it first, wins a chocolate! It was sooo much FUN. 
I won once with Caitlin but to be honest, it was Caitlin who got the right book and found it. Oh well, the past is the past...
Anyway, after that one time, it was kinda hard trying to win a second time. This was because some people were just a tiny bit competitive. Of course, being competitive isn't bad or anything, it's just that others might not get a turn. But I did almost get a second one, like I was in the right place, except Katerina beat me to it first. Oh well, it's just for fun, you know :D

So yeah, my top three favourite Book Week Events. Out of these three which was your absolute favourite? Mine would have to be the Golden Ticket hunt.

Enjoy the rest of your week,

Pretty much my life