Monday 8 February 2016



a21d89d4aab0f3966ca360cc2a4d215d_1398245179.jpg (500×338)Yes, it is I, Shazza. And I am back for one of the few blog posts I'll be doing this year. So...DID YOU MISS ME? I'm guessing the Yr 8s this year have already forgotten me but whatever. So, college. One of the most important times you'll ever experience in your lives. How is it going for me? It is tiring, a ton of homework, barely any sleep, etc, etc.

Nah, I'm just messing with you. To be honest, college is going quite well so far. So far. We get hardly any homework at the moment, just like two main assignment things so far, but apart from that, everything is fine. But, I shouldn't keep my hopes up, you know.

So how's it going? New Yr 7s, what do you think about the work? I'm guessing you haven't got much either but yeah comment down below anyway. You all better be reading this post because I'm spending five minutes of my life on this, which is actually a long time when you're in college ;)

One thing I like about college (St Mary's) is the LIBRARY. It's huge, like I'm not even kidding! So many books to be read!! So far I've read two books. Two down, a million more to go. Literally. One thing I don't like is that I have to catch a bus to college and back with a bunch of strangers (sorry people) who gives me weird looks. It's scary.

Anyway, this is the shortest post I've ever done! What an achievement! Whatever, I hope you guys are all getting along with each other. Study hard, you'll thank yourself for it when you go to college, listen and be kind to your teachers and enjoy your time at school while it lasts.



  1. Shazza! I thought of you when Alan Rickman died - very sad. Good to hear St Mary's is going well - I have good memories of that library!

  2. YAYYYY! Omg our library is massive too! We must fangirl more over the selections. GO TEAM ASPEN!!!!
    *More silently* Oh and team Maxon...

  3. OMG HI,I didn't think anyone will comment! Hehe.

  4. Uh Hi!
    I have heard of you from a few comments on the main blog!
