Hello and welcome to this week's Blog post! *Everyone cheers* Hooray! Let's just get straight into it!
So this week's topic is...
What are my favourite Book Week events?! Okay, now that we know the topic, let's countdown my top 3 most enjoyed events that happened last week, starting with...
#3 Book Character Day and Book Quiz
I regret looking at this...horrible nightmares...oh God, I'm freaked out. |
Okay, to be honest, this book character day and the quiz wasn't so bad. I came dressed up as Cheshire Cat (yay, everyone loves the cat from Alice in Wonderland) and the first word that was used to describe me was creepy. Well, I suppose face painting Cheshire Cat's smile did look slightly creepy (of course, Cheshire Cat is known for his creepy as smile) but hey I had fun painting that on. It got annoying during the day since whenever I laugh or make a facial expression, the paint starts peeling off (although, there's no need to smile anyway when you have one painted on your face already).
Next, the Book Quiz. So technically what happened was that we had a Book Quiz competition thing between all four school houses and some things went a bit wrong. There were four rounds: first round was the Yr 1&2's, next was Yr 3&4's, 5&6, then finally the Yr 7&8's. I was in the Yr 7&8 team along with Katerina, Mahon and Imogen.
After the book quiz, the results were read out and Brigidene tied first place in the first three rounds and won first place in the last one without a tie! Omg, everyone was so happy, it was the first time we won like, everything (no bragging there)! But then came the bad news. Unfortunately, someone went and told Mrs Taylor that Brigidene had three Yr 8s and one Yr 7 because apparently we were supposed to have two of each Year group. I don't think anyone in Brigidene knew about this rule because if we did, we would have rearranged the groups. Sadly for us, Mrs Talyor disqualified us from that round, which meant Brigidene was not winning anymore. I almost cried!
So, I guess I'll kinda take back what I said at the start: The Book Quiz didn't work out quite so well.

#2 Kate De Goldi
It was on Tuesday during Book Week when a special someone came to visit St Bens. And that special person was Kate De Goldi! For all those who haven't heard of her (well you should have because she's super famous), Kate De Goldi is a well-known author who has wrote so many wonderful books. Yes, an author came and visited us! It was so exciting! She gave us an interesting talk about her life, how she came up with the ideas for her books and showed us some of the books she wrote too!
Some of her books are: The 10pm Question, The ACB, Billy and Clubs.
In Rm12, we had been reading one of Kate De Goldi's books, The ACB. I won't say anything about it just in case I'll spoil it for those who haven't read it. You should read it, it's awesome!
#1 Golden Ticket Hunt
Yas, my fav. So since it was book week, the intermediate teachers decided to do this awesome and creative thing where they'll hide some Golden Tickets around the school and we had to try and find them using the clues they set up on the blog. Whoever got their hands on it first, wins a chocolate! It was sooo much FUN.
I won once with Caitlin but to be honest, it was Caitlin who got the right book and found it. Oh well, the past is the past...
Anyway, after that one time, it was kinda hard trying to win a second time. This was because some people were just a tiny bit competitive. Of course, being competitive isn't bad or anything, it's just that others might not get a turn. But I did almost get a second one, like I was in the right place, except Katerina beat me to it first. Oh well, it's just for fun, you know :D
So yeah, my top three favourite Book Week Events. Out of these three which was your absolute favourite? Mine would have to be the Golden Ticket hunt.
Enjoy the rest of your week,
Pretty much my life |