Holidays are okay but, let me be honest with you, I love school. OH MIND-BLOWN! Jk. It's not because of the work (.....nooo....well sort of, it means I have something to do and keep me busy), it's more like not being able to hang out with my friends. Two weeks without seeing my friends! Nooooo!
Of course, I know what you're thinking.
What you're thinking: Why can't you just organize some days to hang out with your friends then?
Okay, I don't know if you were thinking that but hey, it was a pretty good guess. Back to the main point: it may seem that easy to go over for playdates and stuff but I've just got the kind of parents that are just...really strict. They don't allow going over to friends houses or sleepovers. Okay, I understand that sleepovers might be over the top, but come on, it's not like I'm going over to my friends house to take drugs or smoke. Or am I....JK! I've never been over at any of my friends house, unless you count birthday parties, but it's just not the same.
Me: Mom, can I go to my friend's house? Pleeeease?!
Mom: Seriously Sharon, how many times have you asked me that question? Because I lost count.
Me: *Rolls eyes* Watevs. But honestly, why can't I go?
Mom: Because I said so, end of story.
Me: *Makes disappointed face and leaves...feeling disappointed because I know there's no point in begging anymore*
I'm pretty sure that was the last time I asked my mom for a play date which was probably like...I don't know, a year ago? Cuz I know there's no point in asking. The answer's always going to be NO. Just no. I learnt that from experience, people.
Today's Topic: How were my holidays?
Okay, to make the long story short, these school holidays were pretty much the same as every other school holiday. Food, sleep, internet and no school. Oh, did I mention lots of sleep?
How? Well, the Yr 8 girls would probably remember the little treat we got on the last day of term. Immunization. That's right. Thank God it was the last one.
Me: Yes, finally, it's the last injection. The previous one hurt quite a bit for me.
Claire: Really? It didn't hurt at all. Well for me it didn't.
Me: I bet this one's gonna hurt like hell.
Claire: At least it's the last one, but I don't think it's going to hurt so much.
Me: Mm.
*After immunization*
Me: Okay, I'm someone that's had heaps of experience with injections but none of them...gee it hurts so much...UGH WHY?! My shoulder feels so...stiff.
Claire: Mm.
Me: *Checks the information paper thing about immunizations*
The next morning, I woke up with a runny nose and my head was throbbing. It wasn't until Monday that I realized it must be a side affect from the immunization. I mean, come on, what's better than getting a fever on the first day of the holidays?
But hey, look on the bright side, I got to take long naps during the day and throughout the first week of the holidays while I wasn't feeling well. It wasn't some small fever, trust me. Body aches, runny nose, headaches, throat know what, I could go on and on but I'll stop right there.
So the fever kinda stopped me from spending time on the internet, which is good because like our parents say, staring at the screen for too long can cause many bad thing e.g. headaches, cancer, blah, blah. But I got to watch some youtube videos (I just couldn't resist the urge) and the consequences weren't really great (headache).
Anyway, after the fever had died down a little, my family and I went to Somes Island. We went there on the East to West ferry. The ferry ride was okay, except when I stood up to go the bathroom (the bathroom wasn't so great...*shivers*), the boat was rocking from side to side. One great fact about me is that I'm not the kind of person with the best stamina and balance. So technically what happened was, when I stood up, the boat just had to tip to the side and I literally did this really weird fall thing where my ankle just bent and I almost toppled on one of the passengers (soz random dude). When we got to Somes Island, we were told their rules and blah blah. Somes Island is a predator-free reserve only some native birds and a couple of small animals inhabit there. No, I didn't copy and paste, I swear. The place kinda reminded me of the Galapagos Islands, except a lot smaller.
Another thing, on Friday (second week of holidays) my dad got on an a plane and flew to India! Yeah, he got to go all by himself for a holiday (lucky, lol). Mom woke me up at 5am on Friday to say bye to dad as one of his friends picked him up from our house and drove him to the airport. He's coming back in two weeks time so it's just mom and us right now :(
Ohhh and one other thing I did during the holidays was watch a movie! Yaaay, everyone loves a movie! And I finally got the chance to watch one of the Pirates of the Caribbean movies.
Yeah, it's surprising that I've never seen them until then on Saturday.
Jack's Reply. |

Okay time for the bit I've been waiting for. So, Katerina had recommended me a book series to read ages ago but I never got to reading it until near the end of Term 3. Omigosh, if I hadn't read it, I would have missed out on so much. The Hush Hush series by Becca Fitzpatrick is simply AMAZ Like, it was so good that I couldn't put the book down and I finished it in two days (world record for me). Right now I'm up to the fourth book in the series, Finale. Ohhh it's sooo gooood!!!!
I could honestly go on and on about it and I will.
So there is the main character, Nora Grey, who lives with her mother in Coldwater. Her father died when she was young and she doesn't remember much about him. The book starts off with Nora going to,..let's just say Biology class. Yeah. Oh and I forgot to mention Nora's BFF, Vee Sky, who's this really cool character with a lot of nerve (she's awesome). Then later Patch Cipriano comes into the story. PATCH!!!
Fangirling session...
He's so...GORGEOUS AND AMAZ. Okay soz, but it's true. I really like his personality and everything about him BUT while I was reading the book, I found a whole lot of similarities between Patch and...wait for it...Edward Cullen. Yeah. But Patch is ten times more amaz!!!!!!! XOXOX!
- They are both paranormal creatures (forgot to mention that Patch is a fallen angel).
- They are both described as hot.
- They both love their girl A LOT.
- They both love a sport (Edward: Baseball. Patch: Pool. No not swimming. POOL. I won't go into further details).
- They can both "mind read".
- They meet their girlfriends in high school.
- They end up saving their girls from one bad guy who wants to kill her (spoiler).
- They can kill their girlfriends but chooses not to.
I'll stop right there cuz it's getting into spoilers So as you can clearly see, I love the Hush Hush series and Katerina and I spend quite a lot of time fangirling (hehe) over the books. Even though Edward and Patch have a lot in common, I think Patch is WAY better.
Sorry to Twilight lovers but I find it kinda creepy when a guy from your high school, who has these random seizures and acts strange whenever you're around, climbs through your window and sits there, watching you sleep and then later reveals to you that he's a vampire and wants to suck your blood, which apparently smells delicious, but he stops himself, which explains the random fits he has and how he covers his mouth whenever you get too close. Yeahhh. But Edward is okay (don't want to offend any Twilight lovers).
The next series I'll read is probably gonna be the Unearthly series, which was also recommended by Katerina, even though she told me to read the Shatter Me series first. But the Unearthly series are also to do with angels, like Hush Hush, (new obsession!) so I'll read that first.
Okay, I think I'll stop right there for now, enough fangirling for one post.
P.S. You might have noticed my new background and title. Hush Hush style.
No sad...
I will comment! Just got around to reading your post - amazing as always. I might have to check out Hush.