I'm in such a good mood today! Why? Well for this week, the question we'd been given is (drum rolls please!)...
Question: If I were to invite two people to dinner, one real and one fictional, who would they be?
Ohhh okay this is a tough one. There are so many people I would gladly LOVE to invite. But I guess there can only be two. So let's start with the non-fictional person. Now drum rolls please (again)...
The first person I have invited to dinner today is...
Wait, you didn't know that this guy played Voldemort??? Yeah, I know, I feel sorry for him too. I mean, the first time I realized that this guy, Ralph Fiennes, played Voldemort, I was just like...
Me: ...what the hell...
Literally. I mean, come on, you've got to admit, Ralph is admiringly gorgeous and-
*Door bell rings.
Oh that must be Ralph!
*Opens door, revealing the gorgeous Ralph Fiennes standing right there in front me...
Me: Omigosh hi Ralph Fiennes! *Gives a friendly hug. So does he!* You do not know how glad I am that you could make it.
Ralph: ...AVADA KEDAVRA!... Just kidding!
Me: LOL! Come on in!
*Ralph enters and sits on the couch. I sit down too.
Me: It's such a pleasure to have you here! Okay so while we wait for our other guest, I would absolutely love to ask you some questions. Do you mind...?
Ralph: Certainly!
*I take out a piece of paper from my pocket, on which I had written down all the questions I want to ask him. It took an hour or so...
Ralph: Let me guess, this long list includes questions about Lord Voldemort?
Me: Haha how did you know?
Ralph: Just a wild guess! *Ralph laughs and I laugh along.
Me: Alright then, let's get started. First question is...in your own words, how evil is Lord Voldemort?
Ralph: Ahh yes, I get asked this question quite a lot. How evil is Lord Voldemort? He's a demonic spirit. He's a santanic force. Young Voldemort was an orphan and denied any kind of parental affection or love, so he's been an isolated figure from a very young age. But I always think there has to be the possibility of good in someone, too. It might have been eroded, repressed, suppressed or somehow distorted with-in him after he was really damaged.
Me: ...whoa. I'm...well what can I say? I'm speechless.
*Ralph chuckles.
Me: Next question. What was your reaction when you were asked to play Lord Voldemort?
Ralph: Well, I've got to admit, I originally didn't want to take the role of the main bad guy in J.K Rowling's teen wizard series. But then eventually I agreed.
Me: Hmm yes I completely understand why you thought that. What did you think of the costumes and all? Was it comfortable?
Ralph: ...Right, well the whole Voldemort look wasn't very pleasant. I remember when Daniel said how when I do my Voldemort stuff, it just freaks him out, which told me that I did a very good job on playing the role as Voldemort. *We both chuckle. And...well I liked my wand. Umm, and I had some teeth, some bad teeth. But I really would like to talk about a moment of liberation to do with my costume because it was an irritating costume to wear. It was too long and sometimes I would trip over it. *I try my best to stifle my laughter.
Me: Umm sorry...
Ralph: Yes it was funny but here comes the hilarious bit. And underneath the costume, I started off wearing...tights. And the gussets of the tights kept dropping down between my thighs. *I still try my best not to laugh. And this made it very hard to walk with any kind of dignity. *I can't hold it in anymore and I burst into laughter. Ralph laughs along. Umm so then I eventually said to my dresser, a lovely young man called Neil, you're going to have to cut these tights. And I get to have these garters at the top. So I enjoyed then having these garter belt on each leg.
*I laugh out so hard, tears start falling.
Me: People will never think of Voldemort the same way.
*Ralph chuckles.
*The door bell rings again.
Me: That must be our second guest! Do you mind if I go and attend the door?
Ralph: No, not at all.
*I walk over to the door and open it to reveal...
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Sirius: Hello there Shazza.
Me: Lol you know my nickname! How???
Sirius: Magic! *Sirius kisses me on the hand.
Me: Such a flatterer.
Ralph: Hello dear Sirius, so good to see you again.
*Sirius and Ralph shake hands as they greet each other. Sirius sits beside Ralph.
Sirius: Nice house.
*I smile and nod on the outside but is bursting with excitement on the inside.
Me: Thanks! So Sirius, before we get onto dinner, I would love to ask you some questions like I had with Ralph here.
Ralph: She's been asking about Voldemort the whole time. The whole conversation was very amusing.
Sirius: Mhmm yes I can imagine. So what are your questions, love?
*Massive fangirling session going on on the inside. He called me LOVE?
Me: Hmm let's see Padfoot...Why did you choose to be a dog animagus?
Sirius: I like dogs.
Me: That's reasonable. *Ralph chuckles quietly.
Sirius: Whoa, did Voldemort just laugh? *Ralph literally bursts into laughter.
Ralph: You just witnessed a once in a lifetime event.
Me: LOL! Next question, on the scale of 1-10, how much do you fear/hate dementors?
Sirius: 10. Definitely 10. They creep the hell out of me. Cold, icy, they drove me crazy in Azkaban.
Me: Can you describe to me how it was hanging out with the other marauders? What kind of personality did you have when you were attending Hogwarts?
Sirius: Meeting James and Remus was the best thing that ever happened to me. Peter, I realized later, was a real...*I glare at Sirius knowing he is going to swear. He sees me glaring. ...Poop.
Me: Right...
Sirius: *He rolls his eyes. James and Remus, on the other hand, accepted me just as I was and didn't try to change me in any way at all. We had heaps of fun, fooling around, especially the pranking. Then we created a secret document called the Marauders map which showed the whole of Hogwarts, it's secret passages and located where each person was.
Me: Damn, I wish I were there.
Ralph: I've got to agree with Sharon here.
Sirius: Yes, Shazza, you would have been an excellent pranker!
Me: Totally! *Sirius and I high five each other. Alrighty then, I guess that's enough questions for now.
Sirius: Yes, dinner!
*Ralph laughs out loud.
Me: Wait! Before we start dinner, I would like to bring in one last guest.
Sirius: Who?! Can't wait to see who this person is!
Me: Hey Snape!
*Snape immediately apparates and appears in front of us.
Sirius: SNAPE?!
*Snape turns to face Sirius with a disgusted look and then turns back to me.
Snape: Miss Siby, you never mentioned that...thing was invited!
Me: Aww Sevvy, don't be too harsh. You two just have to know each other a little more and become friends.
Snape: Don't call me that horrid nickname.
Sirius: I have to agree with you, Shaz, Sevvy shouldn't be so harsh.
*Snape gives Sirius death glare.
Sirius: Well are we going to ask him questions too?
Snape: Sharon doesn't need to ask me any questions because she knows me better than she knows you! In your face, dog! Hey, you never mentioned you liked dogs before?
Sirius: He was eavsdropping?! SHAZZA!
Me: Well, he came here earlier to help me set up for dinner. So technically he's half host half guest.
Sirius: Pffff I would have been a better host.
Snape: Yes Sirius, you would have been. In you dreams that is.
So yeah that was our dinner. Well after this whole argument, we started dinner. Ralph was there laughing along to every word of the argument.
Okay, okay, fine it didn't really happen but hey there's nothing wrong in making my blog post slightly more interesting! And yeah, I just couldn't leave Sevvy out so I somehow managed to fit him in too! This was just my fantasy of what would happen if Ralph Fiennes, Sirius Black and, surprisingly, Severus Snape were to join me for dinner. Oh yeah and by the way, the questions and answers with Ralph is all true. I got all the info from the internet, some from a youtube video ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q5b7X-NaDAA).
So yeah that's it guys! Hope you've enjoyed my blog post for this week! I cetainly enjoyed writing this all down! So until the next blog post, bye! :D
ReplyDeleteMy mind just went PFFFFF when I saw Lord VOLDEMORT!
Snape's appearance into the room was LOL!
Your posts are so astounding that are just HILARIOUS!
Nice post Sharon!!
ReplyDeleteThat was amazing! Such a great idea to write out the conversation.
ReplyDeleteWOW Great post Shazza!!
ReplyDeleteSmart idea writing out the conversation Sharon.
ReplyDeletewow nice post
ReplyDeleteGreat post! Thats really Voldemort!