Empathy: Feeling sorry for someone or understanding the way that others feel.
Perseverance: To keep going and never give up, especially if you want to achieve an important goal.
Integrity: The quality of being honest.
Creativity: To use our imagination or original ideas to create something new.
Cool, right? Showing our school values helps us to get along with each other, gives us an opportunity to show our talents and also helps us reach our goals and be kind to each other.
Okay, so some of these values are hard to display or show. For me, the hardest one would probably be.... Integrity? Yeah, integrity. I'm not that good at being honest. Lol.
So here are some ways for you guys to show our four values at school:
- Creativity: There are many ways that you can show creativity around the school. For example, like I said just before, get inspired by other people's work. This can help you use your own imagination and turn the original thing into something new and something that you've created. For extra points, you could help others by giving them some ideas too and help them get creative!
- Perseverance: Okay most of you guys out there would have one or two things that you're not particularly good at. Take me for example; I'm not the best at math. But by not giving up, you can accomplish any goal! Oh and by the way, never, ever say that you can't do something. This will just bring you down because you're forcing your mind to think that you're useless at something which is not going to help at all. Encourage and tell yourself that you're amazing and fantastic but with a bit more effort you can do anything! Nothing is impossible! Believe! (Katerina always says this to me which helps me heaps, especially when I was extremely nervous for the ICAS Science exam. Thanks Katerina!)
- Integrity: Okay, so there is that one little kid who always gets sad because maybe his/her friends are being mean or they've been hurt. Why not go over and help them! Comfort them and tell them that it's okay and that everyone experiences bad things sometime in their lives! But it doesn't have to be a little kid who gets sad. It could be one of your friends who has gone through something like a major loss or a break-up or something (break-up? Uhhhh......). Whoever it is, just go over and say some wise words. It will make both you and the hurt person feel much better!
- Integrity: Oooooh, so you were supposed to hand in an essay two days ago and you're praying that so the teacher won't tell you off or ask you about it. The best thing to do in a situation like this is to go up to the teacher and tell them about it. Accept the punishment or telling-off and try to do better next time. This way people can trust you more and not get suspicious. And also telling them yourself is probably better than leaving it to the teacher to find out. I mean come on. Who wants to be untrusted and alone? Not me! And also do NOT follow some of my examples. Like that time where I accidentally lost my boots at camp (Ugh the pain of remembering such bad memories!) and I still haven't told my parents yet. Mainly because #1 I don't want them to get angry or get, I don't know, worried? and #2 I know that they will kill me if they find out. Yeah. But one day, when the right time comes, I will tell my parents this. When the right time comes. And I will be the one saying it. Probably at the end of the year or something. Hahaha can't wait!
amazing post (like usual) question, did that essay part happen to you and you haven't told your parents about the boots! how did you pay for them
ReplyDeleteNice post Shazza