Monday, 18 August 2014

Reading?! I LOVE READING!!!!

Did you know that reading is really good for you? I know that's what the teachers and our parents always say but they're are right about that. You get many benefits when you read. Here are five ways you improve when you read.
  1. STRESS REDUCTION - Whether you're stressed about homework or tasks, reading a well written story is to best way to get you relaxed. What happens is that first you're all worried about something and then when you start reading a good book, you eventually lose yourself in the story and get rid of some stress. 
  2. KNOWLEDGE - Have you ever heard the saying "The more you read the more you learn"? This saying is a great one to explain how reading gives you more knowledge. You see, in some books and articles you could learn something you've never known. For example did you know that the sun is 4.6 billion years old. I learned that from a book two years ago and I still remember it. Did you know that a lobster's blood is clear but when its in oxygen, the blood turns blue. And did you know that Albus Dumbledore was somewhere around 115 years old when he died? Yup I learned all of these from books and articles I read. 
  3. VOCABULARY - Reading also expands your vocabulary knowledge. As you read you come across new words that you may never have known it existed. You could even use the words in your own writing. 
  4. MEMORY - When you read books, most of the time you remember the characters names, their likes, dislikes, ambitions and their backgrounds. Take me for an example. I know a whole lot about Harry Potter and the other characters in the book. I think I know a bit too much. Why? Because I read Harry Potter at least three or four times a year. Why? Because I'm a BIG fan. Why? Because Harry Potter is such a great book. So reading also helps you remember a lot of things too.
  5. BETTER WRITING SKILLS - I love reading. Well that's pretty obvious. I like writing. That's pretty obvious too. How did I become good at writing? Reading. HOW? Because when you read you come across new words and phrases that you may think is awesome and you can use it in your own writing with a little twist. How cool is that?
Now those are the benefits. In the intermediate classes we have been getting new reading challenges every term. This term there's the 10 book challenge, 20 book challenge, the random book challenge, series challenge, classical challenge, space challenge and the family challenge. For the 10 book challenge, I need another five more books. For the series challenge I've already read a book my sister got out from the library called Dork Diares. She doesn't really read the books that she brings. It's normally me. I also need 15 more books for the 20 book challenge.

Well that's it for now. Come back for another post!

P.S. I've got a question for all you guys out there. What do you want to be when you grow up? Just curious. I want to become an author. :-)


  1. soz some of my posts are too long...well maybe all of them are a bit too long......

  2. Cool post Sharon. It's not too long at all! It's amazing!!!
    When I grow up I want to be a detective. But my family always say that I'm always so careless.... :(
    Love your posts!!!!!! :)

  3. hahahahahahahaha niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice
