Okay so I normally post my new posts on Monday but yesterday I had to do something very, very important. Something very important that no one else but me has to know. Yeah.
Okay so, as you can probably guess by the title, today I'll be talking about the Galapagos Islands/adaptation/evolution. So, in class, we've been learning about the Galapagos Islands and how the animals that inhabit the islands got there and also about how they adapted into their new habitats. Whoa that was quite a long sentence. Soz.
So lets get into it.
Facts about the Galapagos Islands:
- The Galapagos Islands are a famous archipelgo that is found near the equator next to South America.
- There are many facinating animals found living in the Galapagos Islands.
- Some of the animals are: the Galapagos tortoises, the different types of finches, the marine iguana, the albatross and the Galapagos penguins.
- The Galapagos Tortoise are the most well known animals found in the islands. Millions of years ago, some tortoises from South America floated on rafts of vegetation to the Galapagos Islands. This is how they first arrived there.
- The albatross is the largest bird found on the Galapagos Islands.
- The Galapagos penguin is one of the smallest penguins in the world.
- The Galapagos fur seal is the smallest eared seal in the world.
- The flightless cormorant is the heaviest species of cormorant in the world.
- The Galapagos Islands were once undersea volcanoes. They rose form the sea and became volcanoes.
- There are 19 islands altogether.
Uhhhhhhh.......haven't we pretty much covered everything? Maybe we could learn about the different plants on the islands? Or maybe...... I don't know....
What topic do I want to learn about next term?
Omigosh I would soooo love to learn about history, dinosaurs or famous people from the past which is pretty much history. Like, I would like to learn about famous people from all around the world and their deeds. Like if we do do famous people (history) then we could each research about one of those people and write an essay about them or like present it in any way. That would be cool!
Q.O.T.P (Question of the post)
Question: What does the Harry Potter Crew think of You?
Omigosh DO THIS QUIZ! Believe it or not, I MADE IT! So what do you think of it?
So thats the end of today's post! I hope it wasn't too boring! BYE!
Hey guys! I think there is something wrong with my quiz. It was the first one I made anyway so yeah. What do u think about it? Any advice for future quizzes????
ReplyDeleteI Love your quiz I'm Someone Beckham. Nice post by the way
ReplyDeleteWhy all these random quotes......? Btw nice quiz. I got Harriet Beckham...
ReplyDeleteI like your second quiz. I got Divergent. :)